Shot Seller Jobs Malia

Shot Seller Jobs

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Shot Seller Job Description

Shot Sellers or ‘Shot Girls’ as they are often labeled, is a job that anyone can do, not just the ladies! As long as you have charm and can sell, you will be great at this role. You may like the flexibility in this job, as you can go at your own pace, but if you prefer a set salary this probably isn’t best for you. In the peak season, you can earn a fortune, but on quieter nights you may struggle to sell as many. Just make sure you manage your money to get through the quiet days!

Job Duties

  • Sell shots such as jellies and test tubes.
  • Charm customers and keep them in the bar.
  • Manage money and work our multi-deal prices. (basic maths essential!)

Working Hours

This job is super flexible, but your employer will expect you to be in the bar selling at busy periods.

Average Salary

Uncapped commisions.